
Super Computing Conference 2015

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Super Computing Conference 2015

On November 17, 2015, Posted by , In News, With Comments Off

Austin, TX, November 15-20, 2015

CIARA FIU participates in demonstration at Super Computing Conference “SDN Optimized High-Performance Data Transfer Systems for Exascale Science”

Join us for a special workshop “SDN for Scientific Networking”, a technical half-day workshop held in conjunction with SuperComputing’15

Title: “Data Transfer in a Science DMZ using SDN with Applications for Precision Medicine in Cloud and High-performance Computing”
Time: 8:40am  – 9:00am, Nov 20th
Presenters: Nam Pho, Dino Magri, Fernando Redigolo, Byoung-Do Kim, Timothy Feeney, Heidi Morgan, Chirag Patel, Chris Botka and Tereza Carvalho

Title: “AtlanticWave-SDX: An International SDX to Support Science Data Applications”
Time: 9:20am – 9:40am, Nov 20th
Presenters: Joaquín Chung, Jacob Cox, Julio Ibarra, Jeronimo Bezerra, Heidi Morgan, Russell Clark and Henry Owen

The next generation of major science programs face unprecedented challenges in harnessing the wealth of knowledge hidden in Exabytes of globally distributed scientific data. Researchers from Caltech, FIU, Stanford, Univ of Michigan, Vanderbilt, UCSD, UNESP, along with other partner teams have come together to meet these challenges, by leveraging the recent major advances in software defined and Terabit/sec networks, workflow optimization methodologies, and state of the art long distance data transfer methods. This demonstration focuses on network path-building and flow optimizations using SDN and intelligent traffic engineering techniques, built on top of a 100G OpenFlow ring at the show site and connected to remote sites including the Pacific Research Platform (PRP). Remote sites will be interconnected using dedicated WAN paths provisioned using NSI dynamic circuits. The demonstrations include (1) the use of Open vSwitch (OVS) to extend the wide area dynamic circuits storage to storage, with stable shaped flows at any level up to wire speed, (2) a pair of data transfer nodes (DTNs) designed for an aggregate 400Gbps flow through 100GE switches from Dell, Inventec and Mellanox, and (3) the use of Named Data Networking (NDN) to distribute and cache large high energy physics and climate science datasets.

For more details please click here.
For Caltec article please click here.

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